A Stunning G+1 house front elevation design in 3D

When the architectural view of your house is concern, aesthetical view of your front side of the house plays crucial role.

Making your house design with aesthetically and functionally perfect is the main task. 

Making your house front side elevation elegant and charming the functionality of the house should be maintained while designing the house.

You can follow my previous blog for layout design of house. 

In this article, I am providing some of the examples for simple house front elevation design of G+1 house with low construction cost.

Styling accent: Front elevation with light color

In this beautiful simple front elevation design of g+1 house, you can see textured color is applied for highlight the balcony and the staircase area.
Light orange with white color combination used for highlight and and for main wall color.

Second view of this g+1 simple house elevation is shown above. Grills with black color is looks attractive in this small house design.

These fabricated grills make the house charming and provide security to your house. 
Space in front wall is also given for house name, you can adjust lighting on house name at front.

Beautiful planter can be adjustable in this small house design. 

The key feature of this house is the balcony, which is provided at the center of the front side of the house above the porch area.
This 150 sq. ft balcony have enough space that you can place a planter for charm look and also you can arrange the sitting for an enhancing the view of the out side area and to connect yourself with nature.
I have also provided the glass railing for modern and better look of the house.

there are three parts of the house at the front side of the house, mini garden area, porch and parking.

The use of the mini garden area is multipurpose and adjustable, you can use it the area for sitting if you are nature lover you can grow some amazing plants at this part of the house, sitting with the planter is the best option according to me. 
Porch is provided at the entrance which is the connection of the indoor and outside of the house. shoe rack can me provided at this area.
Staircase is provided inside of the house at the left hand side of the house.
Construction cost of this modern house design is also low.
Moving next with the normal house front elevation design.

Façade makeover: grey-white combo

In this simple g+1 front house elevation design, grey scale color combination is used in front side with white color.
Staircase is placed at the front side of the house.
This modern house elevation looks beautiful with this color combination.
Parking space, porch, plantation space in front side and right hand side is also provided in this front elevation design of a g+1 house.

The rich orange: cladding combo with orange

Brick cladding in front side of this house is provided for a better aspect of front house elevation design.
Highlight of a dark orange color gives a beautiful look in this g+1 house.
A simple G+1 house shown in above image, if you are making design house in corporate society then this is a perfect design for your house.

This double story design of house has a much simplicity with an elegant finishing, which make this house functionally perfect with the limited space.  
The size of this house is 18 x 34 fee which contains textured cladding material at the front side of the house and a big sized windows in the balcony in the first floor.

Entrance of this double floor house is east facing which is very a good placement according to Vastu shastra. 

Elevating the modern living

The front elevation of the double floor house reflect the taste and the personality of the owner. Thus, choosing the right design of the house is very important for yourself.
Here, I have shown the example of front side G+1 floor house design.  

In the above house design, you can notice that this design capture the attention on the cladding, orange shade fabrication work, grooving pattern and the balcony which contain contempered glass  façade and railing. 

The rich blueish grey color make this house design pleasant aesthetically. Main door with wooden touch make house more attractive with brick cladding pattern at the ground floor.

You can use this design as a reference for making your house accordingly.

For more information and design, you can follow my blog and you can also contact me at jeetkantaria@gmail.com

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